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000156_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Mon Jun 12 10:17:20 1995.msg
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Date: 8 Jun 1995 08:49:15 -0600
From: "Ken VanBrocklin" <Ken_VanBrocklin@ATK.COM>
Subject: Re: Fractal noise loop point
To: "LightWave Mailing List" <Lightwave@webcom.com>
Sender: owner-lightwave@webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
Reply to: RE>Fractal noise loop points..
>Could someone repost the formula for calculating loop points for fractal
>noise? (I remember it being possible) i.e. I want a seamless loop over
>a certain amount of frames, or I want to calculate where the loop point
>will be given an already set texture velocity....
There is no loop point for fractal noise. In last month's or the month
before VTU, In the Dear John column, a reader came up with a good solution.
I don't have the article in front of me but it went something like this. Make
a square 1.34m x and 1m y, apply the fractal pattern of choice. Turn on world
coordinates, position camera at 0 0 0 and add a null object also at 0x 0y 0z.
create a key and parent the camera to the null. Move the object to fill the
screen, create a key and parent the object to the null.
All that is left is to rotate the null on its heading 360 deg. for however
many frames you want your loop to be. The resulting images can then be used
as a image sequence.
Cool solution, thats the best I could rember as to what the tip was, so you
may want to find the article in case I quoted it wrong, or forgot something.
"Ken VanBrocklin" <Ken_VanBrocklin@ATK.COM> sent this message.
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